In pursuance to the representation submitted by the Mizoram Principals’ Council dated 27.07.2020 the VC, MZU is pleased to amend commencement of the Odd Semester Classes by Online Mode w.e.f 14th Sep 2020. Download the notification.
Read MorePermission is hereby accorded to Higher & Technical Education Department for opening of Government Colleges Hostels w.e.f. 25.07.2020 and for conduct of UG oractical examination w.e.f 27.07.2020 and theory examination w.e.f 10.08.2020. However the Department shall ensure that all extant social distancing and hygine guidelines and SOPs are strictly followed in the Government College Hostels…
Read MoreStudents can download University Examination Question Bank for their reference. Download from the link provided.
Read MoreGovt. Champhai College is organizing One Week International Webinar on Natural Disaster with Special Emphasis to Earthquake and its Implications for one week. i.e: July 20th – 24th,2020 All are invited, Registration is FREE, but compulsory. E-certificate will be provided after successful completion of the webinar but 80% attendant is to be fulfilled. Click here…
Read MoreWith permission from Mizoram University administration, this is to inform all affiliated colleges that regarding the End Semester Examination, whenever colleges are reopened. we will give ten days time to colleges and students to prepare for whatever gaps are there, and during that time, examinations will be rescheduled.We will help students to protect their academic…
Read MoreIn pursuance of the advice from the MHRD GoI the new committee is hereby set up in Govt Champhai College to render the helpline for the student to provide necessary counselling and guidance during the outbreak of the Covid19 until the disease is contained and regain the normal life.
Read MoreThere have been a new Academic Calendar proposal. You can download it from here.
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