Mathematics is about as fundamental to computing as we can get. Mathematicians solved a centuries-old mankinds’ question, proved the best way to minimize the surface area of clusters of up to several bubbles, and proved a sweeping statement about how structure emerges in random sets and graphs.

The intention of this conference is to study the recent trends in present-day mathematics and computer science, and role of mathematics in other disciplines. Trends of application areas of mathematics at the wake of the twentieth century, to look at the changes in mathematics application as a result of the modern approach.

Through mathematical modelling, numerical experiments, analytical studies and other mathematical techniques, mathematics can make huge contributions to many fields; mathematics and discoveries in other fields, and to address the current thinking of collaborative and interdiscipline mathematics and the examples of application areas where mathematics is emerging as a vital component with great opportunities for inter discipline research.

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Research areas are many and exciting. They include (but not limit to):
1) Mathematics for materials science; Combinatorics, Continuum mechanics, Fluid dynamics, Geometry and Topology.
2) Security issues (mathematics for Information and Communication, Mathematics for sensors, mobile communication as well as network security and protection).
3) Demands in software reliability where mathematics is needed for computer language, architecture, etc.
4) Requirements for automated decision making (probability, stochastic analysis, mathematics of sensing, pattern analysis, and spectral analysis), and
5) Future systems (lighter vehicles, smaller satellites, ICBM Interceptors, Hit before being Hit, secured wireless communication systems, super-efficient energy/power sources, modeling and simulations, robotics and automation.

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