Extracurriculars can make a big difference during college studies.

Leadership Activities

Leadership activities are some of the most important ones to put on your college application. Many colleges look for leadership skills or leadership potential in college applicants. Having activities on your application that show you’ve been in a leadership position can help you stand out among the competition.

Creative Pursuits

While it’s important to include extracurricular activities that are related to your chosen field or area of academic interest, colleges also want to see that you’re well-rounded and have a wide range of interests.

Technological Skills

Technological skills are another important extracurricular activity to include on your college application. While colleges generally expect students to have certain basic skills, such as typing skills, online research skills, experience with commonly used software programs, and knowledge of online etiquette, other skills can help you stand out. For example, you should mention any experience you have with technological skills that aren’t common knowledge, such as computer programming.

Having technological skills means that you’ve put in the time and effort to learn something challenging. These skills can also be useful in college, especially if you’re planning to pursue a degree in computer science. Including technological skills on your application helps show colleges that you’re willing to learn new skills, which is a quality that admissions offices tend to look for when reviewing applications.


Volunteering is an extracurricular activity that you simply can’t go wrong with.

There are many organisations that you can be a volunteer for and several roles you could take on, depending on your interests and abilities, including promotion, fundraising and event planning. But there’s a lot more to volunteering than just that.

Student Newspaper

Student newspapers are always a great way to spend your time at college. Even if you aren’t interested in pursuing a career in journalism, you will improve your writing skills, as well as meet interesting people and enjoy cool perks like free press passes.

Start Your Own Business

Not to add to the stereotype but, as a college student, you’re probably always on the lookout for ways to earn some extra cash.

Join a Debate Team

If you’re interested in current affairs and enjoy public speaking, this could be the perfect extracurricular activity for you. By joining your school’s debate team, you’ll have the chance to engage in meaningful discussions and connect with peers who share similar interests to you. Not only that, but you’ll also develop your critical thinking, argumentation and presentation skills, all of which will be also benefit your degree.